Air pollution & contamination Marine & freshwater Poster

Ramage, Calum // Assessing the impacts of environmental contaminants on the Olifants River, Kruger National Park: from sediments to crocodiles

Summary The aim of this poster is to give the audience an explanatory introduction to my research. My target audience is simply a broad range of researchers with a scientific background who may have an interest in environmental sciences. Due to current circumstances, no data has yet been collected. The poster therefore merely explains the […]

Marine & freshwater Poster

Olsson, Freya // Can we improve lake water quality by modifying inflow rates?

Summary This poster offers an overview of a novel restoration method aiming to improve the water quality in nutrient enriched lake systems. The poster introduces a model system where the restoration has occurred as well as the methodology being used to test the impact of the work. The poster offers insights to lake managers (such […]

Awards Human interactions Marine & freshwater Poster

★ Hamilton, Mark // Implications of coral reef degradation for fisheries

Summary This poster introduces my PhD project and highlights the research questions I plan to investigate regarding tropical coral reef degradation and small-scale fisheries. My poster is aimed at early-career scientists who are thinking about doing a PhD (e.g. undergraduate/masters students) and I hope that it illustrates the process of defining different research questions within […]

Ecosystems Forests Poster

Gresham, Amy // Can’t see the deer for the trees? Behavioural ecology of fallow deer in a human-altered landscape

Summary This poster provides an overview of my PhD and is aimed at students and researchers in biological sciences. Deer populations are expanding and pose a threat to woodland habitats. This project aims to identify factors influencing fallow deer activity and behaviour in different woodland environments in North Wales. Deer activity levels are predicted to […]

Human interactions Poster

Flint, Liz // Impacts of public water supply on macronutrient cycles around the world

Summary This poster aims to act as a visual summary of my project’s proposal, inluding a summary of my first few weeks reading around the topic. The target audience is participants of this exhibition, as well as my friends and family, allowing them to further understand what my PhD will involve. I enjoyed putting my […]

Biodiversity Plants Poster

Carter, Ruth // Developing new management strategies for the Fall Armyworm and African Armyworm

Summary Both the Fall Armyworm moth (Spodoptera frugiperda), the African Armyworm moth (Spodoptera exempta) are a significant threat to African food security. Since S. frugiperda arrival in Africa four years ago, it has already spread throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Also, with the rise of pesticide poisoning in Africa, it is essential to find alternatives. I aim […]

Awards Biodiversity Energy Poster

★ Blaydes, Hollie // Ten techniques to enhance pollinator biodiversity on solar parks

Summary This poster is aimed at the solar industry, including solar park owners or managers, who know little about pollinators but are interested in using sites to enhance biodiversity. Ten techniques to make solar parks more pollinator-friendly are suggested and are based directly on evidence from a review study, with input from key stakeholders. The […]

Awards Plastics Poster Soil & geology

★ Billings, Alex // Plasticiser in the UK terrestrial environment: occurrence and bioaccumulation?

Summary My poster lays out the plans that I have for my PhD. My overall aim is to investigate the distribution, profile and fate of plastic additives in the UK terrestrial environment.The project is multi-disciplinary and combines fieldwork, laboratory work and ecotoxicology testing, in addition to analytical techniques such as FTIR and GC-MS.I have pitched […]

Infographic Poster Visual abstract

Unpublished entries

In addition to those featured on this site, the following students entered the Envision digital exhibition 2020. These entries have been removed due to results not yet being published: Baines, Oliver // Accounting for geodiversity improves models of pan-arctic productivity change // poster Ford, Helen // Benthic seascape ecology of an oceanic island following mass […]