Eurasian Sparrowhawks are bird eating raptors displaying high sexual size dimorphism with females considerably larger than males. Both sexes feed on different prey items however diet differences remain unquantified. Using 673 web-sourced images of sparrowhawk kills, we quantified diet differences for the first time. Average female prey items were three times heavier than males. My visual abstract targeted at undergraduate students captures the most frequent prey identified in our study whilst reflecting chaos in a garden following a sparrowhawk kill.
Connor T. Panter

Conor is currently studying MRes Ecology and Conservation at the University of Brighton and will join the University of Nottingham in October to begin a PhD titled ‘Abundance within species’ ranges, understanding species responses to environmental change.’ He has broad, interdisciplinary research interests including assessing species extinction risk, plant biogeography, ecology and conservation of raptors and the global wildlife trade. Connor is an advocate of citizen science, the conservation optimism movement and a strong supporter of diversity and equality in STEM.
Email: connorpanter1301@gmail.com
Twitter: @ConnorEcology
Organisation: University of Brighton, University of Nottingham from Oct 2020